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Localization Tools for Any App or Platform | Localize
Localize offers a no-code translation solution, transforming web apps, websites, and documents with AI-driven localization for a smooth global user experience.

Introduction to Localize
Localize is a cloud-based Translation Management System (TMS) that allows you to translate dynamic websites, apps and more using workflow tools that help you streamline your localization workflow. Localize For Web

About Us - Localize
Localize quickly revolutionized translation management from its inception. Founded in 2015, our venture-backed company differentiated itself in a mostly stagnant industry through our innovative tools and technologies. Today, we deliver the market's most advanced translation management platform.

What is Localization? A Complete Guide with Concepts & Benefits ...
When you go the extra mile to localize your product or service, you show customers that you value their business and respect their cultural background. This fosters loyalty and encourages them to become brand advocates.

What is Localization? - Localize Articles
‍Localize is a translation management system that simplifies your workflow and localization process with powerful features like glossaries, style guides, automatic content detection, and more. We've helped hundreds of companies localize their websites, software, and mobile apps for a global market.

Plans & Pricing - Localize
Localize's plans and pricing are designed to fit your needs as your business expands.

Best Mobile App Localization | Localize
Minimizing the complexities of managing strings and spreadsheets, Localize’s app localization platform helps elevate user experiences with engaging, high-quality mobile app translations that increase in-app purchases and subscriptions to drive ROI.

Frontend API - Localize Developer Docs
Localize cannot return the entire array of nodes that match the CSS class. Localize.translate(document.getElementsByClassName('foo')[1]); or Localize.translate($('foo')[1]); Localize.translate() returns:

CAT Tools: A Guide to Computer-Assisted Translation Tools - Localize
Localize integrates CAT tools into its platform, offering automated workflows, advanced collaboration, and machine translation capabilities with human expertise. By using Localize, businesses can achieve high-quality, consistent translations, reach global audiences quickly, and maximize their message's impact across languages.

Website Globalization Tool for Any Site | Localize
Jumpstart global expansion using Localize’s AI-powered website globalization platform. Smart, dev-free workflows and advanced platform functionalities allow you to get accurate, context-aware translations instantly, so you can launch high-quality multilingual content and scale faster.



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