The Human Genome Project
The Human Genome Project (HGP) is one of the greatest scientific feats in history. The project was a voyage of biological discovery led by an international group of researchers looking to comprehensively study all of the DNA (known as a genome) of a select set of organisms.
Human Genome Project - Wikipedia
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the base pairs that make up human DNA, and of identifying, mapping and sequencing all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and a functional standpoint.
Human Genome Project Fact Sheet
The Human Genome Project was a landmark global scientific effort whose signature goal was to generate the first sequence of the human genome. In 2003, the Human Genome Project produced a genome sequence that accounted for over 90% of the human genome.
Human Genome Project Timeline
Completed in April 2003, the Human Genome Project gave us the ability to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for a human. This interactive timeline lists key moments from the history of the project. Early meetings assess the feasibility of a Human Genome Project.
Human Genome Project (HGP) | History, Timeline, & Facts | Britannica
The Human Genome Project (HGP), which operated from 1990 to 2003, provided researchers with basic information about the sequences of the three billion chemical base pairs (i.e., adenine [A], thymine [T], guanine [G], and cytosine [C]) that make up human genomic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
Genome project - Wikipedia
Genome projects are scientific endeavours that ultimately aim to determine the complete genome sequence of an organism (be it an animal, a plant, a fungus, a bacterium, an archaean, a protist or a virus) and to annotate protein-coding genes and other important genome-encoded features. [1]
Genomes - NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information
NCBI's Genome resources include information on large-scale genomics projects, genome sequences and assemblies, and mapped annotations, such as variations, markers and data from epigenomics studies. more...
The Human Genome Project - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The Human Genome Project is an ambitious research effort aimed at deciphering the chemical makeup of the entire human genetic code (i.e., the genome). The primary work of the project is to develop three research tools that will allow scientists to ...
Human Genome Project - The McDonnell Genome Institute
These projects promise to provide essential information regarding specific regions of the human genome associated with disease pathogenesis or susceptibility, and demonstrate the importance of investing in the sequencing of the human genome.
Human Genome Project - Goals, Significance, Methods, and its Applications
Human Genome Project is a global and a long-term research effort used for identifying the estimated 30,000 genes in a human DNA.