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Mutation | Definition, Causes, Types, & Facts | Britannica
Mutation, an alteration in the genetic material (the genome) of a cell of a living organism or of a virus that is more or less permanent and that can be transmitted to the cell’s or the virus’s descendants.

Mutation - Wikipedia
Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, providing the raw material on which evolutionary forces such as natural selection can act. Mutation can result in many different types of change in sequences. Mutations in genes can have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely.

A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses.

Mutation - Definition, Types, Examples and Quiz - Biology Dictionary
At the simplest level, a mutation is a change or transformation. In biology, mutations refer to changes in chromosomes and genes, which typically manifest physically. The effect of a mutation can depend on the region in which the sequence of genetic material has been changed.

What Are Mutations?Definition, Causes and Effects of Mutations - BYJU'S
A mutation is a sudden, heritable modification in an organism’s traits. The term “mutant” refers to a person who exhibits these heritable alterations. Mutations usually produce recessive genes.

What Is a Genetic Mutation? Definition & Types - Cleveland Clinic
Genetic mutations are changes to your DNA sequence that happen during cell division when your cells make copies of themselves. Your DNA tells your body how to form and function. Genetic mutations could lead to genetic conditions like cancer, or they could help humans better adapt to their environment over time.

Genetic Mutations: Types, Causes, and Cellular Repair Mechanisms
Genetic mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that can significantly affect an organism’s health and development. These alterations can occur spontaneously or be induced by environmental factors, leading to outcomes ranging from benign variations to serious genetic disorders.

What is Mutation? - University of Utah
Mutation creates slightly different versions of the same genes, called alleles. These small differences in DNA sequence make every individual unique. They account for the variation we see in human hair color, skin color, height, shape, behavior, and susceptibility to disease.

The causes of mutations - Understanding Evolution
Mutations – changes in the genetic sequence of DNA or RNA – are the raw material for evolution. Natural selection, genetic drift, and other evolutionary processes act on genetic variation – and that genetic variation starts with mutation.

DNA and Mutations - Understanding Evolution
Mutations are essential to evolution; they are the raw material of genetic variation. Without mutation, evolution could not occur. In this tutorial, we’ll explore: How does DNA encode the characteristics of an organism? In what different ways can mutations affect an organism?



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