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Heterozygous - Definition and Examples - Biology Dictionary
Heterozygous is a description of the genotype, or combination of alleles present in an organism. The genotype gives rise to the phenotype. Depending on the different relationships between alleles, different phenotypes are created in a heterozygous individual.

Heterozygous: Definition, Examples, and Comparison to Homozygous
When you’re heterozygous for a specific gene, it means you have two different versions of that gene. Here's what that means.

Homozygous vs. Heterozygous: Definitions and Differences
Heterozygous vs. Homozygous: What's the Difference? "Homozygous" and "heterozygous" describe the pairs of genes you inherited from your parents. If you are homozygous for a particular gene, it means you inherited the same version of that gene from both your mother and father.

Heterozygous Genotype: Traits and Diseases - Verywell Health
Heterozygous is a term used in genetics to describe when two variations of a gene, known as alleles, are paired at the same location (locus) on a chromosome. By contrast, homozygous is when there are two copies of the same allele at the same locus.

Heterozygous - National Human Genome Research Institute
Heterozygous refers to having different alleles for a particular trait. If the two versions are different, you have a heterozygous genotype for that gene. The relationship between the two alleles affects which traits are expressed.

Understand the Meaning of Heterozygous - ThoughtCo
In biology, heterozygous refers to having different alleles for a gene. Diploid organisms have two alleles for a gene that determine specific traits.

Heterozygous - Definition and Examples - Biology Online ...
The term heterozygous is used to describe a cell, a nucleus, or an individual organism that carries different or non-identical alleles for a particular trait at the same loci on homologous chromosomes.



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